So last fall I participated in NaNoWriMo (aka National Novel Writing Month--you can check it out here) and didn't really make it through. In fact, I only reached about 16,000 words--a little more than a quarter of the way.
And while that is still a pretty big accomplishment and really boosted my self-confidence, I want to make the accomplishment even bigger. So over this next month, one of my friends and I will be hosting our own Camp NaNoWriMo. Feel free to join in if you like! We're switching up the rules a little..they are as follows:
1. Have a buddy--to email/text your daily word count to, and also for moral support.
2. Aim for a word goal of at least 1000 per day.
3. In order for it to count, it DOESN'T have to be a brand new piece of work. It can be your current WIP or anything original (and yours) that you feel like working on.
Other than that, it's pretty much open to free interpretation. So yeah. :)
What are your plans for the next thirty days?